Sunday, February 12, 2012

dissection of advertisement

Been seeing these ads on the subway recently...not paying too much attention to them until today when I went to observe the collection of the ads on the Communication Arts webpage.

What they have written about the ads is quite different than some of my thoughts. They write, "Paying homage to past Lottery campaigns, that inspire fantasizing about winning it big, it's a humorous look at the decadent life someone might live after hitting the jackpot."

I don't find the ads too humorous. These ads reinforce opulent wealth. The amount of wealth that one would inherit from winning the lottery could never sustain the extravagance that these ads display.

These ads arrive during the time where we are all aware of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the focus on the 1%...where this ad plays on that, bypassing the 1% to become the .001%.

The ads also associate the winning of the lottery to the "richness" of "whiteness," as all figures in the ads are white.
What is unfortunate is that someone would mimic the spending of their winnings based on these advertisements.

Its similar to showing an image of someone irrevocably drunken at a bar for an advertisement for alcohol.
The ads look as though they are an everyday photograph, something that is attainable.

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